Playing online lottery responsibly

Playing online lottery responsibly

2016-08-02 16:57:18 -

Scratch cards and the lottery – milder forms of gambling

Scratch cards and the lottery are the most socially accepted forms of gambling in all countries. If you mention that you bet on the Eurojackpot or used a scratch card, nobody will consider you a gambling addict. However, if you mention that you visited a casino, you might get a few strange looks. Interestingly, the returns for players (the percentage of winnings in the total turnover) is much larger for other games than in the lottery – for instance the roulette or slot machines offer greater returns for players.

Lottery addiction

Even though the lottery is a milder form of gambling, one should also take proper care. Only invest as much as you can afford to lose. After all, scratch cards and the lottery are also mostly forms of entertainment. If you play regularly, then the monthly amount you use should never endanger your family's budget. The potential winnings are always enticing, often times we see jackpots worth tens of millions of euros, but never take loans to purchase scratch cards or lottery tickets.

Help is always available

If you think you're playing too much, feel stressed before the results of a lottery are announced, or if your friends and family tell you that you should be careful, take a break. If it's more serious, then get a hold of yourself and go consult a psychologist or visit a website focusing on protection against gambling addiction, such as:

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